
All Publications
Blogs 38
News 29
Presentations 10
CJEU cases on beneficial ownership and treaty abuse – case overview_662975e2089fc
Russia challenges beneficial ownership Cypriot holding company_6632a9bf6a55e
Draft Decree on new ruling practice (the Netherlands)_6632a9c3331ca
German Ministry of Finance publishes draft bill on fiscal promotion of research and development_6632a9c6edc77
CJEU rules in Danish cases on beneficial ownership and treaty abuse_6632a9cabf470
The latest global tax trends in the Netherlands_6632aa41a1dc4
The Dutch implementation of ATAD1_662975e5c05b0
Multilateral Instrument (MLI) ratified by Dutch Parliament_6632a9cec54a1
OECD consultation regarding the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy_6632a9d2b0e1b
The Netherlands´ preferential IP regime for software companies_6632aa46201e7
ATAD3 – Who’s In & Who’s Out_66328b2e30ea1
The potential impact of a Brexit on Tax_6632a9dc80732
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Impact of the Zinc case on transfer pricing_6632aa49e2b17
The latest transfer pricing trends in the Netherlands_6632aa4db669e
Latest ruling in US highlights importance of managing tax compliance in digital economy_662975e9974e4
The Hague decision on Netherlands non-resident tax_6632aa034966b
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