Frank Janssen

Senior associate

Careful and precise action. That is at least as important to Frank as a good idea. He is an analytical adviser with an eye for the long term. Frank makes sure all the figures add up. Words that describe his way of working are “precision”, “quality”, and “commitment”.

  • Working at NovioTax since August 2019.
  • Advises multinational CFOs on the implementation of transfer pricing policies.
  • Expert in transfer pricing documentation and implementation as well as valuation assessments.
  • Oversees preparation of comparability reports (incl. benchmark studies), Master and Local Files.
  • Gained work experience at an accounting and tax consultancy firm in the region.
  • Studied Tax Law and Economics at the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen.
  • Speaks and writes: Dutch and English.

A dedicated team of experienced tax experts
in the field of corporate taxation.

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FiftyTwoDegrees Jonkerbosplein 52 6534AB Nijmegen The Netherlands


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