Patrick T.F. Schrievers


Patrick has strong analytical skills and numerical insight. He likes to think outside the box. Patrick’s approach is strategic. He advises with a long-term perspective. His working style is characterised by honesty and transparency. It is based on equality and commitment with a touch of humour. His motto: ‘we do it right, or not at all’.

  • Co-founder of NovioTax (2016).
  • Advisor of choice for multinationals and listed institutions on Dutch corporate income tax and dividend withholding tax, particularly on transfer pricing (general audits, strategy setting, dispute resolution, etc.)
  • Specialises in tax treaties, including income qualification, treaty overrides, partnership classification, profit allocation to permanent establishments (PEs), resolving double taxation and supporting (treaty based) refund claims (vis-à-vis local revenue authorities).
  • Additionally, experienced in handling domestic legal proceedings related to the division of the burden of proof and transfer pricing adjustments, as well as liaising with revenue authorities through Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) proceedings and other dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Author of several (Dutch and English-language) tax publications.
  • Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).
  • Member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB).
  • Worked at BDO and Loyens & Loeff.
  • Studied Business Economics and Fiscal Economics at Tilburg University.
  • Speaks and writes: Dutch and English.


A dedicated team of experienced tax experts
in the field of corporate taxation.

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FiftyTwoDegrees Jonkerbosplein 52 6534AB Nijmegen The Netherlands


Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 162 1012 SJ Amsterdam The Netherlands

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