Sometimes, the result is about hard numbers; sometimes, it is a feeling. But preferably, for Roya, the result is a combination of both. Roya is energetic and likes to get the most out of herself for the client. She takes a decisive approach and can change gears quickly.

  • Working at NovioTax since May 2024.
  • Involved with cross-border tax advisory projects as well as transfer pricing documentation (including benchmark reports, Master and Local Files and DAC6 reports).
  • Gained work experience at an international tax consultancy in North Holland.
  • Has a Master’s degree in International Business Taxation from Tilburg University and a Master’s degree in International Trade Law from Tehran, Iran.
  • Was a lawyer in Iran dealing with international trade and corporate income tax.
  • Speaks and writes: Dutch, English and Farsi.

A dedicated team of experienced tax experts
in the field of corporate taxation.

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FiftyTwoDegrees Jonkerbosplein 52 6534AB Nijmegen The Netherlands


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