Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft: Steuerliche Förderung von Innovationen in den Niederlanden

J.M.J. Francissen, G.J. Hop, C.S. Schwarz & S. Stein

01 Dec. '19 1 min. Anneke Francissen

The Dutch government has been encouraging companies that carry out R&D in the Netherlands for some time by deducting corporate tax on R&D income via the so-called innovation box. In 2017, the relevant regulations were reformed in response to the BEPS initiative. The following article discusses the change in regulations and also discusses whether German companies can use the Dutch innovation box.

For further questions about the article, feel free to contact us. The article is accessible via the following link.

Anneke Francissen

Anneke Francissen is a tax adviser and member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB) and the International Fiscal Association (IFA)

Meer over Anneke Francissen
